Pregnant blood pressure chart pregnancy
Pregnant blood pressure chart pregnancy

pregnant blood pressure chart pregnancy

The important thing to remember throughout this journey is that your doctors are there to help. Preeclampsia can be dangerous for mom and baby and needs to be taken care of. When blood pressure gets too high and is accompanied with protein in your urine it is a sign of preeclampsia. Not all medication is safe to take while pregnant so they will want to make their decisions based on what’s best for you and your unborn child. Your doctors will want to take a close look at your case and figure out the best course of action to take. Blood pressure at this level is likely to need to be treated. Severe high blood pressure (higher than 160 mm Hg systolic or 100 mm Hg diastolic) can result in poor growth of your baby. If it continues to stay high or other signs of complications come up they will continue to monitor you. When looking at your blood pressure one high reading may not be cause for alarm, but will make your doctor take a closer look. Hypertension Crisis - Higher than 180 and Higher than 110 High Stage 2 - 160 or higher and 100 or higher Systolic (1st/top #) and Diastolic (2nd/bottom #) Instead of just one threshold that determines high or low there are now different levels that determine if things are normal or steadily creeping to unhealthy. They look at the numbers to determine whether your blood pressure is normal or high. It can cause a decreased blood flow to the placenta, placental abruption, premature delivery and can cause you to be at increased risk for future cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure can cause many problems during pregnancy. These numbers are measured in mm Hg or millimeters of mercury. This measures the pressure in your arteries in between heartbeats when the heart is refilling with blood. The bottom number is your diastolic reading and is lower.

pregnant blood pressure chart pregnancy

This number measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The top number is the systolic reading, which is the higher number. When they take your blood pressure they get a reading of two numbers. High blood pressure can signal problems that will need to be addressed to have a healthy pregnancy.

pregnant blood pressure chart pregnancy

When they check your blood pressure they are looking for any evidence that it may be getting off track. The doctors are there to make sure that things are progressing the way they are supposed to be every step of the way. Sometimes it may seem that it’s all the same getting weighed, giving a urine sample, checking your blood pressure and asking any questions you have but it really is all for a good reason. One of the most important factors in pregnancy is making sure that you’re regularly seeing a doctor to monitor your progress.

Pregnant blood pressure chart pregnancy